other animals I drew: a polar bear, an elephant and a white tiger

1. A polar Bear on the moon
I got into polar bears while watching Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey. I am a big fan of Cosmos… Anyway, I don’t remember which episode it was but it explains how polar bears were the result of mutation that survived and spread due to their strong advantage in nature.

So I sketched two pieces but only could finish the second one.

1-1 – I never finished this one…

Like the flying pig I painted, I want the polar bear to walk somewhere exciting and interesting. In the end, I put the bear on the moon. This idea came up to me for two reasons. One is, of course, I was watching TV show, Cosmos. The second is I want to use a round shape in my painting.


– I usually put a rough sketch with my pencil. Sometimes I need to put one more layer of gesso because it becomes quite messy…23 4

I forgot to take a photo of the completed piece before I gave it to Malcolm (Our friend, Chris and Nhu’s son). But it was pretty close to the above photo.

Funny thing was many grownups and high school students(whom I taught) took a while to see what’s going on this painting. On the other hand, a 10 year old girl said ‘A bear on the moon!’ as soon as she saw this.

2. An elephant

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After painting the elephant for the first time, I realized how big its head is.

3. A white tiger

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I just painted the lines of the white tiger. Except the jaw, I really like this painting. I was thinking about putting pupils but I didn’t do it, which was a good choice. I enjoy drawing animals and people’s faces asymmetric.